

package com.study;

import org.mybatis.spring.annotation.MapperScan;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

@MapperScan(basePackages = "com.hyhb.dao")
public class HyhbApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(HyhbApplication.class, args);




package com.study.dao;

import com.study.models.PotentialCustomer;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;

import java.util.List;

public interface PotentialCustomerDao {
    PotentialCustomer getById(Integer id) throws Exception;

    PotentialCustomer getByContactNumber(String contactNumber) throws Exception;

    List<PotentialCustomer> getListByParams(@Param("ownerList") List<String> ownerList, @Param("type") String type, @Param("area") String area, @Param("statusList") List<String> statusList, @Param("contactNumber") String contactNumber, @Param("isActive") Integer isActive, @Param("page") Integer page, @Param("pageSize") Integer pageSize) throws Exception;

    Integer getCountByParams(@Param("ownerList") List<String> ownerList, @Param("type") String type, @Param("area") String area, @Param("statusList") List<String> statusList, @Param("contactNumber") String contactNumber, @Param("isActive") Integer isActive) throws Exception;

    Integer saveOrUpdate(PotentialCustomer potentialCustomer) throws Exception;

    Integer delete(PotentialCustomer potentialCustomer) throws Exception;



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
<mapper namespace="com.study.dao.PotentialCustomerDao">

    <select id="getById" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" resultType="com.study.models.PotentialCustomer">
        SELECT * FROM potential_customer WHERE id=#{id}

    <select id="getByContactNumber" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="com.study.models.PotentialCustomer">
        SELECT * FROM potential_customer WHERE
        contactNumber1=#{contactNumber} OR
        contactNumber2=#{contactNumber} OR
        contactNumber3=#{contactNumber} OR
        contactNumber4=#{contactNumber} OR

    <select id="getListByParams" resultType="com.study.models.PotentialCustomer">
        SELECT * FROM potential_customer WHERE 1=1
        <if test="ownerList != null">
            AND owner in
            <foreach collection="ownerList" index="index" item="owner" open="(" separator="," close=")">
        <if test="type != null">
            AND type=#{type}
        <if test="area != null">
            AND area=#{area}
        <if test="statusList != null">
            AND salesStatus in
            <foreach collection="statusList" index="index" item="status" open="(" separator="," close=")">
        <if test="contactNumber != null">
            AND contactNumber1=#{contactNumber} OR
            contactNumber2=#{contactNumber} OR
            contactNumber3=#{contactNumber} OR
            contactNumber4=#{contactNumber} OR
        <if test="isActive != null">
            AND isActive=#{isActive}
        ORDER BY createTime DESC
        <if test="page != null and pageSize != null">
            limit ${(page-1)*pageSize},${pageSize}

    <select id="getCountByParams" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
        SELECT COUNT(id) FROM potential_customer WHERE 1=1
        <if test="ownerList != null">
            AND owner in
            <foreach collection="ownerList" index="index" item="owner" open="(" separator="," close=")">
        <if test="type != null">
            AND type=#{type}
        <if test="area != null">
            AND area=#{area}
        <if test="statusList != null">
            AND salesStatus in
            <foreach collection="statusList" index="index" item="status" open="(" separator="," close=")">
        <if test="contactNumber != null">
            AND contactNumber1=#{contactNumber} OR
            contactNumber2=#{contactNumber} OR
            contactNumber3=#{contactNumber} OR
            contactNumber4=#{contactNumber} OR
        <if test="isActive != null">
            AND isActive=#{isActive}

    <insert id="saveOrUpdate" parameterType="com.study.models.PotentialCustomer">
        INSERT INTO potential_customer
        <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
            <if test="id != null">
            <if test="createTime != null">
            <if test="owner != null">
            <if test="type != null">
            <if test="visitTime != null">
            <if test="company != null">
            <if test="area != null">
            <if test="alreadyQualified != null">
            <if test="visitProject != null">
            <if test="personnelSituation != null">
            <if test="messageFrom != null">
            <if test="revisitTime != null">
            <if test="revisitMark != null">
            <if test="remindTime != null">
            <if test="visitingTime != null">
            <if test="visitingMark != null">
            <if test="username != null">
            <if test="contactNumber1 != null">
            <if test="contactNumber2 != null">
            <if test="contactNumber3 != null">
            <if test="contactNumber4 != null">
            <if test="contactNumber5 != null">
            <if test="name1 != null">
            <if test="name2 != null">
            <if test="name3 != null">
            <if test="name4 != null">
            <if test="name5 != null">
            <if test="qqNo != null">
            <if test="wxNo != null">
            <if test="mark != null">
            <if test="salesStatus != null">
            <if test="revisitCount != null">
            <if test="visitingCount != null">
            <if test="isActive != null">
            <if test="updateTime != null">
        <trim prefix="VALUES(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
            <if test="id != null">
            <if test="createTime != null">
            <if test="owner != null">
            <if test="type != null">
            <if test="visitTime != null">
            <if test="company != null">
            <if test="area != null">
            <if test="alreadyQualified != null">
            <if test="visitProject != null">
            <if test="personnelSituation != null">
            <if test="messageFrom != null">
            <if test="revisitTime != null">
            <if test="revisitMark != null">
            <if test="remindTime != null">
            <if test="visitingTime != null">
            <if test="visitingMark != null">
            <if test="username != null">
            <if test="contactNumber1 != null">
            <if test="contactNumber2 != null">
            <if test="contactNumber3 != null">
            <if test="contactNumber4 != null">
            <if test="contactNumber5 != null">
            <if test="name1 != null">
            <if test="name2 != null">
            <if test="name3 != null">
            <if test="name4 != null">
            <if test="name5 != null">
            <if test="mark != null">
            <if test="qqNo != null">
            <if test="wxNo != null">
            <if test="salesStatus != null">
            <if test="revisitCount != null">
            <if test="visitingCount != null">
            <if test="isActive != null">
            <if test="updateTime != null">
        <trim suffixOverrides=",">
            <if test="createTime != null">
            <if test="owner != null">
            <if test="type != null">
            <if test="visitTime != null">
            <if test="company != null">
            <if test="area != null">
            <if test="alreadyQualified != null">
            <if test="visitProject != null">
            <if test="personnelSituation != null">
            <if test="messageFrom != null">
            <if test="revisitTime != null">
            <if test="revisitMark != null">
            <if test="remindTime != null">
            <if test="visitingTime != null">
            <if test="visitingMark != null">
            <if test="username != null">
            <if test="contactNumber1 != null">
            <if test="contactNumber2 != null">
            <if test="contactNumber3 != null">
            <if test="contactNumber4 != null">
            <if test="contactNumber5 != null">
            <if test="name1 != null">
            <if test="name2 != null">
            <if test="name3 != null">
            <if test="name4 != null">
            <if test="name5 != null">
            <if test="mark != null">
            <if test="qqNo != null">
            <if test="wxNo != null">
            <if test="salesStatus != null">
            <if test="revisitCount != null">
            <if test="visitingCount != null">
            <if test="isActive != null">
            <if test="updateTime != null">

    <delete id="delete" parameterType="com.study.models.PotentialCustomer">
        DELETE FROM potential_customer WHERE id=#{id}




package com.study.service;

import com.study.models.PotentialCustomer;
import com.study.views.forms.dashboard.DashboardPotentialCustomerForm;

import java.util.List;

public interface PotentialCustomerService {
    PotentialCustomer getById(Integer id) throws Exception;

    PotentialCustomer getByContactNumber(String contactNumber) throws Exception;

    List<PotentialCustomer> getListByParams(List<String> ownerList, String type, String area, List<String> statusList, String contactNumber, Integer isActive, Integer page, Integer pageSize) throws Exception;

    Integer getCountByParams(List<String> ownerList, String type, String area, List<String> statusList, String contactNumber, Integer isActive) throws Exception;

    PotentialCustomer saveOrUpdate(PotentialCustomer potentialCustomer) throws Exception;

    Integer delete(PotentialCustomer potentialCustomer) throws Exception;


package com.study.service.impl;

import com.study.dao.PotentialCustomerDao;
import com.study.models.PotentialCustomer;
import com.study.service.PotentialCustomerService;
import com.study.utils.DateTimeUtil;
import com.study.views.forms.dashboard.DashboardPotentialCustomerForm;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.List;

public class PotentialCustomerServiceImpl implements PotentialCustomerService {

    private PotentialCustomerDao potentialCustomerDao;

    public PotentialCustomer getById(Integer id) throws Exception {
        return potentialCustomerDao.getById(id);

    public PotentialCustomer getByContactNumber(String contactNumber) throws Exception {
        return potentialCustomerDao.getByContactNumber(contactNumber);

    public List<PotentialCustomer> getListByParams(List<String> ownerList, String type, String area, List<String> statusList, String contactNumber, Integer isActive, Integer page, Integer pageSize) throws Exception {
        return potentialCustomerDao.getListByParams(ownerList, type, area, statusList, contactNumber, isActive, page, pageSize);

    public Integer getCountByParams(List<String> ownerList, String type, String area, List<String> statusList, String contactNumber, Integer isActive) throws Exception {
        return potentialCustomerDao.getCountByParams(ownerList, type, area, statusList, contactNumber, isActive);

    public PotentialCustomer saveOrUpdate(PotentialCustomer potentialCustomer) throws Exception {
        Integer result = potentialCustomerDao.saveOrUpdate(potentialCustomer);
        return potentialCustomer;

    public Integer delete(PotentialCustomer potentialCustomer) throws Exception {
        return potentialCustomerDao.delete(potentialCustomer);
原文链接: https://marshucheng1.github.io/2017/03/04/javaweb-springboot-mybatis/